Fake Vaccines: Govt Mulls Steep Fine

Producers and sellers of fake or substandard vaccines will be subject to heavier punishment, including increased fines, according to a draft law.
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Producers and sellers of fake or substandard vaccines will be subject to heavier punishment, including increased fines, according to a draft law.

The draft vaccine administration law is under third reading at a bimonthly session of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, China's top legislative body, on Tuesday.

Companies will face fines of up to 50 times the value of the produced or sold fake vaccines, the latest draft said. The previous draft, released in April, stipulated a fine of up to 30 times for such offenses.

Meanwhile, companies that produce or sell fake vaccines will face confiscation of illegal proceeds, raw materials, packaging materials and equipment, according to the draft. They may face revocation of production licenses. 

The draft also stipulates a fine of up to 30 times the value of the produced or sold substandard vaccines, compared with a fine of up to 20 times stipulated in the previous draft. 

Criminal suspects involving vaccines will receive heavier punishment according to law, according to the draft. 

The draft law was first submitted to the top legislature for review in December.


(Source: chinadaily.com.cn)

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